Have a sweet tooth、sweet tooth菜單、sweet tooth線上看在PTT/mobile01評價與討論,在ptt社群跟網路上大家這樣說
Have a sweet tooth關鍵字相關的推薦文章
Have a sweet tooth在sweet tooth 是甜牙齒、eye candy 是眼睛糖?八個和身體部位 ...的討論與評價
I wish I didn't have a sweet tooth. I had four rotten teeth pulled out and eight filled when I was only twenty. 我真希望我不是這麼愛吃甜的人, ...
Have a sweet tooth在SWEET TOOTH在劍橋英語詞典中的解釋及翻譯的討論與評價
2022年2月2日 — sweet tooth的意思、解釋及翻譯:1. If you have a sweet tooth, you like eating sweet foods, especially sweets and chocolate. 2. If…。
Have a sweet tooth在片語小強化 - -登峰美語APEX,英語學習,英語認證,多益,托福,雅思 ...的討論與評價
「 have a sweet tooth」是什麼意思?嗜吃甜食 ; Sweet當形容詞時解釋為「甜的」,名詞則為英式用法的「糖果」,sweets相當於美式用法的candy。
Have a sweet tooth在ptt上的文章推薦目錄
Have a sweet tooth在什麼!sweet tooth竟然不是指「嘴巴很甜」?關於”HAVE” 你 ...的討論與評價
“sweet tooth”如果不是指嘴巴很甜、很會講話,那會是指什麼?其實“Bill has a sweet tooth.”是指Bill很喜歡吃零食、餅乾等甜食啦!
Have a sweet tooth在「have a sweet tooth」不是「有一顆甜牙」,這樣理解就錯了的討論與評價
不要直譯為「有一顆甜牙」,. 實際意思是「愛吃甜食」。 She had a toothache recently because she always has a sweet tooth. 她最近牙疼, ...
Have a sweet tooth在"I have a sweet tooth" 唔通真係「甜牙牙」? - 關鍵評論網的討論與評價
影片中Lucie說“I have a bit of a sweet tooth.”其中sweet tooth字面上雖然是「甜甜的牙齒」,但其實這個片語是表示「喜歡吃甜食的嗜好」。
Have a sweet tooth在“have a sweet tooth”不是“有一颗甜牙” 你知道什么意思吗? - 搜狐的討論與評價
但大多数不能按字面意思理解。 大家就跟小编一起来学习相关的习语吧. 1. have a sweet tooth.
Have a sweet tooth在i have a sweet tooth 中文 - 查查在線詞典的討論與評價
i have a sweet tooth中文:我喜歡吃甜食…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋i have a sweet tooth的中文翻譯,i have a sweet tooth的發音,音標,用法和例句等。
Have a sweet tooth在第271期:I have a sweet tooth - 佛老扯英文的討論與評價
上面的意思是,“喜欢吃甜食”英语是”have a sweet tooth”. 需要注意的是,在这种用法里,tooth只能是单数(only in singular),不能写成teeth.
Have a sweet tooth在Have a sweet tooth definition and meaning - Collins Dictionary的討論與評價
Have a sweet tooth definition: to like eating things that are sugary or taste sweet | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples.